My name is Daniela Chelariu and I created Styling in Paris for everyone who needs to find her personal style, to be inspired, empowered and would like to become her most confident and best-dressed self. 

Inspired by the uniqueness of women and men, the versatility of styles, and the personalities of each one of my clients, I created these styling services to help you through the process of curation and (re)discovering your style. My philosophy is that simplicity is luxury.

If you’d like to find out more about yourself and your style, I’m here to help.

  • "Daniela, en plus d’être d’une grande gentillesse, a un goût parfait. Elle a passé plusieurs heures chez moi à trier et créer des looks parfaits à partir de mon dressing face auquel je ne savais plus comment m’habiller. Elle crée des combinaisons surprenantes mais toujours chic auxquelles je n’aurais pas pensé et se montre ensuite d’une grande disponibilité pour dénicher les quelques pièces manquantes qui permettent de marier les tenues. J’apprécie également qu’elle ait une sensibilité éthique et encourage le vintage / 2nd main. Merci mille fois Daniela, je referai appel à toi pour le printemps/été!"

    Marie Dumont, avocate

  • "From the first contact with Dana to styling experience and continued help and guidance afterwards it has been fantastic. She helped me re-invent my wardrobe, proposed new items to add, advised how to style my existing ones. I learned from her the importance of being focused on the quality of a product, looking at fabrics composition and invest in timeless staples, items that don’t age. As a result, I can say I feel more confident wearing clothes that allow for expression and individuality. Dana , I am very happy I met you and looking forward to continue our journey together."

    Ana Zefinescu, economist

  • "Dana knows style. You can count on her for great advice, honesty, and personalization to your specific needs. I love that she advocates for timelessness and quality. I feel like I am finally on a path to a solid and sustainable wardrobe and style."

    Therese, executive assistant

  • "Très belle expérience. Daniela est très professionnelle et gentille. Elle m'a aidé à trouver les articles parfaits. Je lui dis juste ce dont j'ai besoin et comme par magie, elle m'envoie l'article parfait. Toujours un plaisir de travailler avec elle."

    Sanela Papantonaki, Auto entrepreneur

  • "Imi plac hainele clasice, simple si de buna calitate. Desi m-am ghidat mereu dupa aceste reguli de shooping , tot nu reuseam sa-mi fac tinutele pe care le voiam. Dana m-a ajutat sa inteleg ca imi lipseau tocmai piesele de baza, cele care au completat foarte bine ceea ce aveam eu. A vazut dressingul meu, am renuntat la ceea ce nu ma avantaja, apoi am avut o sesiune de shooping si am ales impreuna acele piese lipsa, pe care si acum le port cu mult drag si le pot combina cu orice. Pe langa profesionalismul ei, Dana este un om cald, te asculta si chiar iti intelege nevoile. Am recomandat-o prietenelor si o voi face in continuare, pentru ca este un om minunat!"

    Cristina Itu, Interior designer

  • "I met Dana when I was in a rut regarding fashion and life in general. I used to buy a lot of stuff I didn’t need and most things were emotional purchases. She managed to give me clear guidance, help was fast and it was while I was trying on the items and that helped a lot. I observed a similar approach to things, quality vs quantity, elegance through simplicity. I’m glad we crossed paths. We had two sessions with a great outcome. Thanks!”

    Corina A.

  • "Am cunoscut-o pe Dana într-o perioadă de căutare, în care nu reușeam să-mi găsesc locul din punct de vedere vestimentar. A fost și este în continuare principala mea sursă de inspirație pentru că dincolo de stilul minimalist și atemporal pe care îl promovează, avem multe principii comune: puțin și bun, calitate mai presus de cantitate, eleganță prin simplitate, stil personal mai presus de modă. Am apelat de-a lungul timpului la serviciile ei de shopping și le recomand din tot sufletul. Nu numai că am economisit foarte mult timp, dar am achiziționat piese impecabile, sustenabile, de foarte bună calitate, pe care le folosesc frecvent și care se integrează perfect în garderoba mea."

    Anca Lungu, jurnalist

  • "Dana est une passionnée et cela s’en ressent dans son professionnalisme. J’ai beaucoup apprécié nos échanges et la pertinence de ses conseils. À l’écoute, elle a su comprendre ma personnalité, mes attentes, mes besoins et orienter ses propositions en conséquence. J’ai pris plaisir à découvrir la sélection qu’elle m’a préparé. Son expertise est une réelle plus-value pour moi et tous ceux qui cherchent à développer leur style vestimentaire."

    Steeve, consultant

  • "I had 3 x 1 hour online personal styling appointments with Dana during Covid. I cannot recommend her highly enough. I wanted to refresh my style and wardrobe and to choose some classic items / staples for my wardrobe that I could layer and wear in differing ways. I felt nothing in my wardrobe was working and Dana pointed out to me that I was missing some basic items to bring the outfits together as well as accessories and trousers. The whole experience was enjoyable and Dana completely put me at ease. I am loving wearing my new items. I love the fact I no longer open my wardrobe and think I have nothing to wear. I have had so many compliments about my purchases. Dana has also followed up after the appointment to help me with additional items - nothing is too much trouble for her. I will definitely be doing this again!"

    Cristina G.

  • "Encontré el perfil de Daniela a través de Instagram y su selección de inspiraciones. Aunque yo no sabía en qué consistía trabajar con un estilista, me quedó claro desde la primera llamada que ella tenía las herramientas para redefinir mi estilo y guiarlo hacia la línea detrás de su perfil, equilibrando lo clásico con lo moderno y actual. A partir de lo que ya tenía en mi armario y de algunas imágenes y estilos como inspiración, Daniela comenzó a proponerme outfits que nunca había probado, con los que me sentía cómodo y que encajaban con la idea hacia la que yo quería ir. También identificó las prendas que me hacían falta y que podrían ser mis próximas compras. Aunque tengo ropa desde hace muchos años, hay básicos que ahora me pongo todas las semanas y que no sabía que fueran tan útiles hasta que la conocí. También me propuso prendas que se salían de mi estilo habitual y que, sorprendentemente, después de probarlas, ahora no me quito. A partir de ahí fue ayudándome a definir y descubrir el matiz más moderno y actual que yo tenía en mente y que tanto me gustaba de su Instagram. A través de inspiraciones y looks concretos, Daniela me propone ideas y matices que me permiten equilibrar un estilo clásico pero muy actual, al tiempo que yo le consulto mis propias propuestas o nuevas prendas que comprar. Un proceso que ella hace fácil, iterativo y hasta divertido. Aunque siempre me había gustado trabajar en mi imagen, estoy más que convencido de que yo solo, sin la ayuda de Daniela, no hubiese conseguido la imagen exterior que quería ni la confianza con la que ahora salgo a la calle."

    Antonio Z., business management

  • "I won an Instagram giveaway of Dana’s services and spent one incredible month working with her. I’m currently saving money to continue working with her in a larger capacity because she is truly a phenomenal woman and stylist. She helped me discover more sustainable brands and taught me how to effectively vintage shop. She taught me how to create a timeless but fun and endlessly youthful wardrobe that has longevity. She reviewed my current wardrobe, gave honest and curated recommendations for items to add and kept my values in mind with every one. In working with Dana for only 30 days, she taught me years worth of information, reignited my love for fashion and gave me the confidence to explore and purchase with much more ease. My butt has never looked better than in the jeans she suggested! I am forever grateful for Dana & can’t wait to work with her on a consistent basis again."

    Bianca, Salesperson

  • " Working with Dana was so fun and educational. She introduced the novel idea of getting dressed as being a peaceful process and it has become exactly that. My intention was to edit what I already had and select what was missing. She helped me fill in the gaps with items, in a range of prices, that I wouldn’t have thought to look for to achieve coherence and make what I already have so cool. Without even realising it, I am not compulsively shopping for fun anymore, there’s much better things to do and I’m enjoying what I have more. Dana also helped me style pieces I was challenged with and every time I wear outfits she styled for me, I get many compliments. She knows how to highlight pieces and create beautiful combinations that I wouldn’t have thought of. The work she does is truly sustainable and yet what you’re left with is relevant, ageless and classic at the same time. She is gifted and everything I think someone would want in a stylist! I can’t wait to work with her again."


  • "I found Dana’s profile on Instagram and was immediately intrigued by her work and her passion that is conveyed through it. Since we live in different countries, we met online, but there was directly a connection and I had a very good feeling that she could help me with all my personal issues regarding styling. Now, after we went through my wardrobe, I can say, that Dana’s work is really gorgeous! She opened my eyes to new ways in how I can style the clothes that I already possess or what I can do better if I get a few more basic items. Now I really feel thrilled with some new ideas and am much more motivated to keep my wardrobe always clean and perfect. I am so thankful and feel blessed that I had the possibility to work with Dana and can highly recommend her! If I ever have the chance to work with her again, I will not hesitate to do to! Thanks a lot! "


  • Mir war immer klar, was ich wollte. Nur konnte ich das nicht umsetzen. Es waren drei Dinge, die mir am Herzen lagen: - Etwas Besonderes anziehen, was mir entspricht. Es gibt nichts Schlimmeres für mich als das anzuziehen, was alle haben. - Ich möchte Kleidung, die unsere Umwelt nicht belastet - Und sorry, mein finanzieller Rahmen ist begrenzt. Ich habe zwei Kinder … Mit Dana kam die große Veränderung: - Sie gibt mir das Selbstvertrauen, öffentlich aufzutreten. Wenn ich etwas anhabe, was mir steht und mir entspricht, dann habe ich so viel Energie, das ist wirklich manchmal schon magisch. - Ich pflege meine Kleidung, damit sie lange hält. - Ich gebe nicht mehr Geld als vorher aus, denn ich habe keine Fehlkäufe mehr. Dafür habe ich Kleidung, die ich wirklich anziehe und das über mehrere Jahre. Fazit: Ich habe nun Kleidung, die meinen Tag gut macht und die mir einen gewissen Zauber verleiht, ein „sparkling“, das ich an die Welt weitergebe.

    I always knew what I wanted. But I couldn’t implement it. There were three things that were close to my heart: - Put on something special that suits me. There is nothing worse for me than to wear what everyone has. - I want clothes that do not pollute our environment - And sorry, my financial framework is limited. I have two children ... With Dana came the big change: - She gives me the confidence to appear in public. When I wear something that suits me I have so much energy, it’s really magical sometimes. - I take care of my clothes so that they last a long time. - I don’t spend more money than before, because I don’t have any more bad buys. But I have clothes that I really wear for several years. Conclusion: I now have clothes that make my day good and that give me a certain magic, a “sparkling” that I pass on to the people around me.

    Judith, screenwriter

  • "Recently, I approached Dana to help me rebuild my wardrobe after a period of neglect. Her simple yet powerful mantra, “No more fast fashion,” became the catalyst for a profound change in the way I approach my clothing choices. Dana doesn’t just provide a temporary fix, she instills a mindset that transcends fleeting trends. Her commitment to shifting the focus from mindless consumerism to mindful curation is truly inspiring. What sets Dana apart is her unwavering dedication to finding sustainable alternatives without compromising on style. She has an uncanny ability to uncover hidden gems and timeless pieces. Her influence goes beyond personal styling; it’s a movement toward responsible and thoughtful fashion choices. If you’re looking for a stylist who not only transforms your appearance but also changes your view on fashion, Dana is the one."


  • “Working with Dana was so wonderful. She got to know my style very quickly and sent me so many great pieces. And, she offers her services for an entire month as opposed to just one session. That is invaluable! She is also very patient, kind and extremely responsive. Can’t wait to work with her again!”

    Paula Green

  • "Dana is an absolute pleasure to work with, and I look forward to continuing our collaboration for a long time. She expertly helped me define my style based on the photos I sent her and was incredibly kind and considerate about the clothes I already had, even if they weren't the most stylish. What truly sets Dana apart is her sensitivity to my insecurities about certain styles and body types. She thoughtfully considered this when recommending pieces, ensuring I felt comfortable and confident. Her responsiveness and keen eye for key wardrobe pieces are unmatched. I particularly appreciate that Dana doesn't endorse fast fashion. Instead, she focuses on high-quality items that I can enjoy for years to come. I've worked with other stylists before, but Dana has been the kindest and most responsive by far."

    N. J.