My definition of Beauty

In the sixth episode of #AndJustLikeThat, directed by Cynthia Nixon, Carrie accompanies Anthony to a meeting with a plastic surgeon. She’s there for moral support, but after the surgeon’s appraisal of Anthony – “nice Italian skin, good muscle tone… you’re hot!” – she can’t resist a little consultation of her own. The surgeon taps, tweaks and teases an image of current Carrie into smooth-skinned, 15-years-ago Carrie on his computer. 

-Well, unfortunately Mother Nature and Instagram are much harder on women. Nobody, not even Carrie Bradshaw, is immune to the idea that beauty is synonymous with youth.”

Beauty is more than skin, wrinkles, lines and stretches. It’s what we decide to put on our face,what we eat, how we wear our hair. Beauty is being able to be many things at once and not just decide to be one thing. Beauty is having morals and ethics, tenderness, goodness, strength and grace in a daily onslaught of voices telling us otherwise.

Beauty is in the elegance of how we handle ourselves in a big crowd, do we scream for attention or are we graceful? Beauty is in the way we choose information we want to feed our brain with. Beauty is in the elegance of our thoughts, is being faithful to a distinctively self, beauty is reminding each other that we are beautiful and not subscribe to what society and this digital era expects of us. 

In this world where everyone is trying to be like everyone else, where  we copy our outfits from Instagram, knowing who we are and owning it is the most beautiful and powerful thing. Beauty is how we treat other people, and the way we are a friend and a daughter. That makes a woman beautiful in my opinion.

Beauty is something that exudes from within, if we are living by trends then the clothes are wearing us. Just because one thing is on trend, is it truly meant for us? Beauty is approaching things that are going to have more permanence in our closet and not picking up something that we’re going to wear just one season. That is the purpose of Styling in Purpose: To help you be more self-aware and self-reflexive when it comes to style and shopping habits

I personally challenged myself to shop less. It’s more challenging than it’s sounds because shopping is in my job title: I am a personal shopper.

I do like to explore and to change often my mood board style. I would love wearing just really simple, timeless thing and to dress for myself. Not for the blog, not for the photos not for anyone else. After all style is about attitude and spirit and being authentic.

It’s really simple to be sucked into this world where we think that having many things is going to bring us closer to fulfilment but from my own experience the more you feel you need to have, the more you feel you need to get and then it’s becoming a perpetual world of coveting things in which we get lost & personal style has everything to do with what you’re feeling and where you are in life.


The Timeless Looks of Carolyn Bessette-Kennedy


Style Icon: Loulou de la Falaise