Lightness of being

Living and working in my hometown for a while gave me a lot of things to reflect about.

Mainly about this industry I ended up working in…and even though the word “fashion” englobes everything we do as a work I hardly know anything about it. I created a system that keeps me and my clients at a safe distance of all the noise, values and messages fashion people want to say through their products and outfits.

Grateful for attracting people that have the same values as I do; that is one of the things that lights my heart every single time.

And regardless the geographical zones we are from our, we all want to be appreciated and validated from who we are. And it takes a lot of strength to be ourselves when around us people tries to impress us with things and not values.

I have always been a free spirit, never really fitted in any case that society expects us to fit in, without living by someone else’s standards or rules and staying true to myself and my values right now in the place I live, it’s one of the most challenging and hard things I have to do.

I am far for perfect but I do want to keep striving for perfect values and work ethic, to accept myself as I am now without comparing myself to anybody, without filters and lastly to enjoy the now, to accept the body and face I have now, the imperfections I have now, the lows I am living through and hopefully the people that gathered on this community of #stylinginparis keep feeling this is a safe place to come to, to not feel judged or overwhelmed, to feel validated and supported and they find the simplicity we all need in our lives.

This quest for a personal style, for inner beauty and wellness should be the process we enjoy most. In this busy world it’s the only process we should do for ourselves and nobody else. It’s what will follow us for the rest of our lives.




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